Studentische Interessenvertretung

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We Need You! Be Part of the Crew!


Dear students,

October and with it the O-Phase is coming soon and we need your support to give this year's freshmen a fun and good start into their studies!

The O-Phase will take place this year from 04.10.2021 to 17.10.2021.

As things stand, we are planning these as best we can in attendance, although some events are of course still with a question mark, the concept needs to be revised a bit or are scheduled variably in terms of time.  Therefore, the allocation/selection will not be based on the event, but on the time availability during the two weeks.
So you can't say that you only want to be part of the pub crawl ;)

Of course, the health of the tutors and our first-year students is our top priority, which is why we have developed a detailed hygiene and testing concept and adhere to the guidelines of the federal government, the state and the KIT. Of course, this also means that some things may change in the course of the next weeks, but we will keep you informed in any case.

Registration is open until 31.08.21, you can find the registration form on our website in the O-Phase tab.

Please read the text explaining the registration on the registration page again! If you have any suggestions or comments, please feel free to use the space provided.

If you have any questions about the registration process, please contact tutoratfs-fmc [punkt] kit [punkt] edu (tutor[at]fs-fmc[dot]kit[dot]edu).
If you have any other questions, feel free to contact oorgaatfs-fmc [punkt] kit [punkt] edu (oorga[at]fs-fmc[dot]kit[dot]edu).
We are looking forward and counting on you!

Kind regards
Your Orga