Studentische Interessenvertretung

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Old Exam Sale SoSe2021


Dear students!

We have news about the sale of old exams! We are able to reopen the sale of old exams and try to offer you many old exams online.

Please read the information carefully and pay attention to the special dates!

You can pick up the old exams after previous order starting from 01.07.2021!

The KIT hygiene regulations apply!

  • Order:
  • Orders are valid for one week. Please pick up the exams promptly!
  • Ordered before 10 a.m.: can be picked up on the same day, otherwise not until the following day.
  • Pick-up location: foyer of the Mechanical Engineeering Building (Building 10.23)
  • When: Monday through Friday, 4-6 p.m.
  • Hygiene measures:
    • Mandatory masks: OP masks, FFP2 or respectively masks of the standards KN95/N95
    • Safety distance of 1,50m!
    • Pick-up slots to avoid queues. Please come only within the following time periods:

        16.00-16.10: matriculation number with a 0 at the end
        16.10-16.20: matriculation number with a 1 at the end
        16.20-16.30: matriculation number with a 2 at the end
        16.30-16.40: matriculation number with a 3 at the end
        16.40-16.50: matriculation number with a 4 at the end
        17.00-17.10: matriculation number with a 5 at the end
        17.10-17.20: matriculation number with a 6 at the end
        17.20-17.30: matriculation number with a 7 at the end
        17.30-17.40: matriculation number with an 8 at the end
        17.40-17.50: matriculation number with a 9 at the end

Old Exams Online

We have asked all examiners if we are allowed to upload the old exams. If we are allowed to do so, we will upload them continuously in our ILIAS course. Unfortunately we could not put many exams online until now:

However, many profs do not want their old exams to be viewed online either. Therefore printing is the best compromise to be able to give you as many exams as possible to study at the end of the day. Many professors now also put exams online themselves, so feel free to look through the materials of your courses again.
Examination Protocols

ou can still order protocols and we will send them to you by mail. In order to keep the queues short, we do not offer a pick-up service for the time being. Please order early before the exams, experience has shown that the mail takes a little longer than you may be used to from the world's leading mail order company with premium shipping. You can find the form here: 

  Further FAQ 
Can I order for fellow students?
Sure, gladly. We also want to avoid queuing and minimize waiting times. Feel free to order for your fellow students, your shared apartment, or your neighbors so fewer have to come to campus. You are also welcome to pick up orders from fellow students, you just need to know the name that was ordered under.
Can I have my exams shipped to me?

We are not able to ship exams! If you do not have the possibility to pick up your exams, please ask your fellow students in Karlsruhe. If you really have no other possibility, please send an email to klausurabholungatfs-fmc [punkt] kit [punkt] edu (klausurabholung[at]fs-fmc[dot]kit[dot]edu)

Are all exams up to date?

We try to provide all exams up to date until the start of the sale. Due to the current problems with viewing dates, it may happen that institutes do not want to publish the exams yet. You can find out whether your exam is up to date on the overview on our website:

I can't find my exam in the list!

   We do not have official solutions for all exams. In this case we cannot offer old exams. However, there might be students who have already written the subject and have created an exam protocol for it. You can find a list of protocols here: If you have found protocols, you can order them here:

I still have open questions!

   Please send us a mail to klausurabholungatfs-fmc [punkt] kit [punkt] edu (klausurabholung[at]fs-fmc[dot]kit[dot]edu), we will try to answer your mails.

Learning group exchange

As it was not easy to find new learning partners this year, we would like to point you to our learning group exchange. Here you can post if you are looking for a learning group or if there is room for one or two more people in your learning group. You can find the learning group exchange in our Ilias course, to write or read a post you have to join the course first.


We look forward to seeing you and hope you are all healthy and hopefully stay that way!

Kind regards
Your student council